2 November 2024M/ 29 Rabiulakhir 1446H
Sebanyak sembilan (9) terbitan baharu Jabatan Muzium-Muzium telah dilancarkan semasa Majlis Perasmian Pesta Buku Brunei 2024 di Stadium Tertutup Kompleks Sukan Negara Hassanal Bolkiah, Berakas. Buku-buku ini adalah di antara tiga puluh tiga (33) buah buku terbaharu yang dilancarkan semasa acara tersebut. Pelancaran buku-buku baharu tersebut disempurnakan oleh Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri (JPM) dan Menteri Pertahanan II, Yang Berhormat Pehin Datu Lailaraja Mejar Jeneral (B) Dato Paduka Seri Awang Haji Halbi bin Haji Mohd. Yussof selaku tetamu kehormat majlis. Antara buku-buku yang baru diterbitkan adalah Brunei Museum Journal 2023, hasil terbitan dari Bahagian Etnografi dan Bahagian Arkeologi dan Monumen di Jabatan Muzium-Muzium dan juga cerita-cerita pendek yang telah diambil dari buku Pertuturan dan dialih bahasa ke Bahasa Inggeris.
A total of nine (9) new publications of the Museums Department were launched during the Opening of the Brunei Book Festival 2024 at Indoor Stadium, Hassanal Bolkiah National Sports Complex, Berakas These books were among the thirty-three (33) books launched during the event. The new books were launched by the Minister at the Prime Minister's Office and Second Minister of Defence, Yang Berhormat Pehin Datu Lailaraja Major General (R) Dato Paduka Seri Awang Haji Halbi bin Haji Mohd. Yussof as the guest of honor of the ceremony. Among the newly published books are the Brunei Museum Journal 2023, publications by the Ethnography Division and the Archaeology and Monuments Division of the Museums Department, as well as selected short stories taken from the book 'Pertuturan' that are translated into English.