22 Oktober 2024M/18 Rabiulakhir 1446H
Bersempena dengan kunjungan rasmi Panglima Tentera Udara Republik SIngapura (TURS) ke Negara Brunei Darussalam, isteri Panglima Tentera Udara Republik Singapura berserta rombongan berkesempatan untuk mengunjungi Muzium Alat Kebesaran Diraja.
Kedatangan Isteri Panglima Tentera Udara Republik Singapura (TURS) berserta rombongan disambut oleh Yang Mulia Pengiran Hajah Mahani binti Pengiran Haji Ahmad, Timbalan Pengarah Muzium serta beberapa pegawai dan kakitangan Jabatan Muzium-Muzium. Sejurus ketibaan, rombongan diberikan pengenalan mengenai muzium tersebut dan kemudian beredar mengunjungi galeri-galeri yang ada diiringi oleh beberapa pegawai dari Jabatan Muzium-Muzium.
Sebelum bersurai, isteri Panglima Tentera Udara Republik Singapura (TURS) menandatangani lembaran kenangan dan seterusnya mengikuti sesi bergambar ramai.
In conjunction with the official visit of the Chief of Air Force of the Republic of Singapore to Brunei Darussalam, the wife of the Chief of Air Force of the Republic of Singapore and her entourage had the opportunity to visit the Royal Regalia Museum.
The arrival of the wife of the Chief of Air Force of the Republic of Singapore and her entourage was welcomed by Yang Mulia Pengiran Hajah Mahani binti Pengiran Haji Ahmad, Deputy Director of Museums as well as several officers and staff of the Department of Museums. Upon arrival, the group was introduced to the museum and then toured to visit the galleries accompanied by several officers from the Department of Museums.
Before dispersing, the wife of the Chief of Air Force of the Republic of Singapore signed parchments and subsequently participated in a group photo session.